Thursday, April 8, 2010

Conner's Surgery

Conner had tubes put in his ears and his tongue tie fixed last Friday. He did really good and only cried for a little bit afterwards until the pain medication kicked in and then he just slept for a good 2-3 hours. He seems to be healing really well and we notice his tongue sticking out further than it could before. Hopefully this will help him not get ear infections anymore, he's already had 5, first one at 2 weeks old :-(. He was so cute in his hospital gown, I wanted to take one home.. is that weird? One thing I thought was weird was that the nurse gave us the oxygen mask that they used to put him to sleep, she said it was for is memory book.. I think thats kind of weird.

Always with the phone, hey if it keeps him happy I'm happy.

In the play room waiting for his turn.

Haha love it.

Look at those chubby feet!

Just before going in.
There was a couple in the room next to us having tubes put in their little girls ears, she was the same age as Conner. The mom was just bawling and so upset that her baby was having "surgery" while Tim and I are in the next room reading comics to each other and laughing out loud.. She probably thought we were horrible, I asked Tim if I should be crying.. he just laughed and said no. Anyways, Conner seems to be doing well and well see how the tubes help in the future.


Cassidy and Nicole Anderson said...

He looks so cute with his hospital gown on! I'm so glad everything went good.

Pat said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the hospital gown, especially the picture of the back of it. He looks so cute and sweet. Wish I could have given him a hug and kiss before he went in. Glad he's doing so well. Love the "little" conman!

Love Grandma Gardner

Shannon said...

He is so stinkin cute in the hospital gown and his peeka -a-boo bum. I hope the tubes help, and I think its good that you weren't crying. I think its better for you to be calm for Conner, that way he's not as nervous. Can't wait to see you in may!!!

Haylee said...

we just had Tristan get tubes in his ears this past friday!! I thought the same thing about the crying! I wasn't upset and I was like should I be? Im glad things are going well for you guys:) your boy is sure cute!

Nessa said...

poor baby :( I love the pic with his lil diaper sticking out of his gown!!