Friday, April 30, 2010
Were outta here!
We are moving back to Utah next week! We are so excited. We've learned a lot of things being out here in Florida and the main one being that we are so grateful to have grown up in the families that we did and as members of the church. It really is a different world outside of Utah. Call me crazy, but I like the bubble. Here are some pictures of some things we've done our last few weeks.
We went to the beach, Conner really did love it! He use to hate it and be scared.
I took so many pictures that day but I couldnt see the screen on the camera because it was so bright. So i would just point and clink. most of them ended up being of Tim's arm or Conner's feet.. I guess I have a bad aim.
Conner finally figured out how to ride his airplane instead of just pushing it. He loves it.
He feel down today running outside.. Poor kid.
But of course Mom's cell phone and a binky will fix anything.
This picture cracks me up! Conner always knows its time to go when Tim and I get our keys, cell phone and sunglasses. So the other day he really wanted to get out of the house so he got my keys, his cell phone and sunglasses and stood by the door.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Stupid Post
She looks so different. I do wish I could look that good after 8 kids, 6 all at once.

I dont watch the show but I have seen a few of her performances and I'm so glad that Kate finally got kicked off. She was horrible. And the show is called Dancing with the Stars, she is not a star. I hate that she says she does it to be able to put food on the table for her kids. Her kids are all in school full time, get a real job and get rid of the nannies that you are paying for.
Sorry for the dumb post!!!!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
You dont want to miss this!

Platinum Studio is hosting another soiree! There will be tons of give-a-ways! April 22 6:30-8:30.
Color Services
Hair Cuts
Eyebrow Shaping
Eyelash Extension
Schwarzkopf and Osis Products
Call now to book your appointment with Dr. Stewart for botox at a very discounted price!
Platinum Studio (801) 371-8703
I start working again on May 5th. Let me know if you need your hair done!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
This year

Last Year

We had a really nice Easter this year listening to conference and relaxing at home. Its weird to think that last year on Easter we were blessing Conner. Here are some pics of our Easter.

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Conner's Surgery
Conner had tubes put in his ears and his tongue tie fixed last Friday. He did really good and only cried for a little bit afterwards until the pain medication kicked in and then he just slept for a good 2-3 hours. He seems to be healing really well and we notice his tongue sticking out further than it could before. Hopefully this will help him not get ear infections anymore, he's already had 5, first one at 2 weeks old :-(. He was so cute in his hospital gown, I wanted to take one home.. is that weird? One thing I thought was weird was that the nurse gave us the oxygen mask that they used to put him to sleep, she said it was for is memory book.. I think thats kind of weird.
Always with the phone, hey if it keeps him happy I'm happy.
In the play room waiting for his turn.
Haha love it.

Look at those chubby feet!
Look at those chubby feet!
There was a couple in the room next to us having tubes put in their little girls ears, she was the same age as Conner. The mom was just bawling and so upset that her baby was having "surgery" while Tim and I are in the next room reading comics to each other and laughing out loud.. She probably thought we were horrible, I asked Tim if I should be crying.. he just laughed and said no. Anyways, Conner seems to be doing well and well see how the tubes help in the future.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Vacation and Corn Starch
Conner and I were lucky enough to go visit my sister and her family last week in Carterville Illinois. She moved there last summer for her husband to attend law school. We had a lot of fun hanging out with Lindsey and the kids, and Bryan when he wasnt hard at work in the library. We mostly hung out, ate junk food, talked, watched movies and did some projects. Conner loved having some other kids to play with instead of just mom and dad! My sister will be so embarassed for me saying this, but I loved being able to see even more how awesome she is. She is always so busy, she is a mother to 2 young kids, 6 months pregnant, has her own small business in which she is constantly sewing, beading, mailing, etc., making meals, and has the cleanest most organized house I have ever seen in my life. I find it so hard to keep my house clean all the time, everytime I clean Conner follows me around the house unfolding laundry, getting toys back out, unfolding blankets, throwing food on the ground, and more. I've always wondered how she kept her house so clean while having young kids. She cleans all day, and its so funny because her kids have picked up on her habits which is great! Hopefully some of it rubbed off on Conner! One day I was doing Katelyn's hair in the bathroom and this is what our conversation was:
Katelyn: "Does Conner clean up the bath toys when he's done with them?"
Britt: "Why?"
Katelyn-"Because me and my mom really like the bath toys picked up and they are all over the tub, so will you have him clean them up next time?"
She is so cute, she said a lot of those kind of things while we were there. Thanks Linds for letting us come, we had a lot of fun and we miss you guys already!
This kept Conner busy on the plane ride.
We put Conner in one of Katelyn's tutu's, he looked cute!
He loves pushing things and was pushing Katelyn's strollers all over the entire week.
Since Conference is on Easter Sunday we dressed the kids up this last sunday, they all looked so cute!
Katelyn, of course Linds made this dress(and her little purse), its really cute. I think she is putting it up on her website. She has a lot of cute new skirts and shrugs to match. Check it out.
Katelyns new haircut, she looks so much older!
Lindsey's cute kids, Katelyn and Cody.
All of the kids. It was so hard to get Conner to sit still with them. Notice the cell phone..
Doesnt he look cute with a comb-over?
My mom sent stuff for us to do an easter egg hunt for the kids, Conner loved shoving candy in his mouth, even with the wrapper on!

Katelyn: "Does Conner clean up the bath toys when he's done with them?"
Britt: "Why?"
Katelyn-"Because me and my mom really like the bath toys picked up and they are all over the tub, so will you have him clean them up next time?"
She is so cute, she said a lot of those kind of things while we were there. Thanks Linds for letting us come, we had a lot of fun and we miss you guys already!
Since Conference is on Easter Sunday we dressed the kids up this last sunday, they all looked so cute!
My mom sent stuff for us to do an easter egg hunt for the kids, Conner loved shoving candy in his mouth, even with the wrapper on!
Yesterday I was writing a grocery list and I noticed that it was way too quiet, so I looked around to see what Conner was doing. He had pulled everything off my 2 bottom shelves and was having fun playing in the corn starch. He kept putting his hand in pulling some out and then slapping his hands together to see the powder fly in the air. He is a hand full!
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