Monday, May 28, 2012

Nummy Ogurt

We are trying to keep busy out here but the kids and I are going a little crazy. It has rained and been cold everyday keeping us from going to the park or on a walk. I haven't been able to find a play area indoors for the kids. What no jump on it? I know I know crazy. The mall doesn't even have a play area. There is one place that has one and that is McDonald's, and I don't want to go there EVERYDAY even though I'm pretty sure they put something in their coke to make you never stop thinking about it. So today was the first day without rain and we braved to 50 degree may weather and went to the park.

The other day Conner was playing a learning game and it said, y makes the sound yuh like yummy yogurt. Later I asked him what sound y makes, he responded with, "nummy ogurt." A for effort! I liked it so much I've asked him to say it at least 10 times in 3 days.

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