Thursday, March 22, 2012

My boys

Conner in his pj's for his "Polar Express" party at preschool.
Lately Conner has loved trains. He has been making all sorts of "trains." One of his favorites and my least favorite is piling all of the pillows and blankets together to make the train. At first I played along and said, why don't you go get your pillow pet or woody and buzz to take on the train. Now Conner will throw anything on there. Stuffed animals, books, Tupperware from the kitchen, dirty clothes from his closet. It's a ton of fun to clean up. This day he wore some shades to help keep the kitchen light out of his eyes. Also the chair is the front of the train and he would stand on that to drive. Occasionally he would get off to fix a wheel on the train or let a passenger off. He was a great Conductor, or as he calls himself, Sir Toppom Hatt from Thomas the train.
Some of his loot.
Conner is really funny about wanting to line things up. One night he wanted me to leave all the books we read in his bed with him. When I came in to check on him he had layed them all out on his pillow. He frequently puts things like this to sleep. The other day he scolded me for going into his room while his thomas the train was taking a nap. Sorry Conner.. Sorry Thomas...

He has also been wanting to take a lot of picture of him with Tim or me.

He got a train table for Christmas and it ruins his day when his little brother tries to play with it. I can't blame him... Drew can take that train table down in 2 seconds...And it takes about 2 hours to set back up. Okay not really, but it does take time. Drew absolutely goes crazy for it though.

My sweet baby.
One day I was trying to put Drew off for a nap. I needed to run an errand and wanted him to fall asleep in his carseat. While I was getting ready he crawled towards his room and fell asleep on the way. Poor kid! Mean mom!
He loves to destroy the bathroom. Or any room for that matter. Needless to say we close every door in the house now.
So proud of himself!
He loves this walker!
I make green smoothies for breakfast almost every morning. Both my boys love them but somehow Drew(Me) always makes a mess with his!
My green monster.
Conner loves playing around with Drew's babyfood.
Drew's "cupcakes" that Conner made for him.
Conner would get so mad when Drew would mess up the papers.
Staking them so high!
Drew found Conner's Valentines Candy and was SOOOOOO happy.
And he was so sad when I took it away.
My nephew Cody turned 7 this month and had a fun party and Jungle Gyms.
Conner and Cody on one of the rides

Drew was so hilarious on this ride. I put him in it sitting down and turned it on. The next thing I know, Drew stands up puts one hand on the rail and the other on the wheel and starts steering it back and forth. It was so dang cute.

Giving Claire a ride on the boat.
Another ride, he seriously loved all of the rides. It was too funny!
Cody's Kick Butt (Kick Buttowski) cake that my Dad made.
We don't have a dishwasher in our apartment but we recently go this portable one, and it has been really nice to have. Drew loves to take it apart while I am loading or unloading. such a helper!
Conner made this "train" and had to put it up high where "Drew wouldn't pick a mess with it." Conner always says, "MOM!!! Drew picked a mess!" Instead of saying made a mess. I think he's confused with made a mess and pick up your mess!!! Defiantly doesn't have the second one down.
This is the Kick Buttowski shirt Conner got at Cody's party. Conner wore it at night and in the day for 3 days straight. Only taking it off to shower. You pick your battles right? It was just an iron on picture so it faded a lot. Oddly enough once I finally talked him into taking it off to wash, it has "disappeared." I'm a mean mom. I think this picture is hilarious because he looks like he's doing a maternity pose. I guess this shirt was his baby. Maybe it should come out of hiding...

1 comment:

Cassidy and Nicole Anderson said...

Funny pictures!!!! The candy one was hilarious!