Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Crazy Conner!

We went to the ear/nose/throat doctor a couple weeks ago to have Conner's ears checked. He has had 4 ear infections so that makes him eligable for tubes. He passed his hearing test, which is great! But the doctor decided that it would be best for Conner to get tubes. Also while we were talking to the doctor about the tubes conner was gibber gabbering away and she was looking at him talk and then said, "is he tongue tied?" I said, I dont think so, no one has ever asked/checked. She said the way he was moving his tongue made her think that he was. So she checked it, and turns out, he is! If you dont know what tongue tied is, its where the thing under your tongue that holds it down to the bottom of your mouth goes all the way out to the tip of your tongue instead of halfway. This can cause speech problems among other things. So he will have tubes put in his ears and his tongue fixed. His surgery is on April 5th I will keep you updated on how it goes!
Conner has been doing a lot of funny stuff lately. But today I had to share a couple.

This is Conner "helping" me do laundry. Lately I have been teaching Conner how to put away his books and toys before nap and bedtime, and also to put his clothes in the hamper. He thinks its fun and usually gets distracted reading a book or playing with a toy, but hey its worth a shot. Well today I was putting away Conner's laundry, I went inside his closet to hang bunch of stuff up and I shut the door to his closet behind me because we use his closet as storage and there is a lot for him to get into. Well when I came out Conner had taken all of his clothes that i folded and put them back in the hamper, then when I came back with my camera, he had taken the clothes, sheets, etc out of his drawers and put them in the hamper. I was just laughing and told him that they go in the drawers, then he started putting them all back on his own. Too funny. Cute kid.

This video is to show you how dramatic Conner is. He loves cell phones and if he finds one and you take it away he freaks out. He does this with a couple other things too. People always say, oh my gosh is he okay? and I say yeah I just took this away and then they usually say, are you sure? I think he's hurt? Nope not hurt! Just a drama king! Watch his little smirk when he gets it back and knows he won.

You might want to turn your volume down for this one!


Pat said...

He is a little drama king! Loved watching him put his cloths back in the drawer. He is getting so big what a cutie! Love him

Love Grandma

Steve & Amy Shumway said...

hahahah you are such a fun mom. How great to make fun of your kids and their tantrums, hahah

Lindsey said...

He is so cute I just want to squeeze him! can't wait to see you guys in a week!

Ashli Paynter said...

lol Oh my gosh so cute. What a big helper!

Loren & Brody said...

Jack had tubes put in @ Thanksgiving. It makes the BIGGEST difference! Just be sure to get his drops all the way down in his ears and then life is good again. Best of luck!!!

Shannon said...

that reminds me of someone else I know! Stacia has major meltdowns if I take away my phone, remote, keys, etc. etc. Its sad... but kinda funny! I can't believe how big Conner is! And yes.. we will have to play this summer. You guys should come swim at our pool.

Michelle Smith Isom said...

You are in big trouble Britt! Hahaha

Mich and Nate said...

I lOVED those videos! HE cracks me up! Nate got tubes when he was little and it helped him tons. I guess I was suppossed to but my parents innsurrance was bad so they couldn't do it and I suffered from ear aches through high school! both my ear drums burst a few times from bad ear I am really glad that caught that with conner and I bet it will help!

Jana said...

He does sound like he's hurt!! lol What a stinker!