Tuesday, September 8, 2009


We just got back from visiting Utah.. We already miss it! While we were there we got to see a lot of family and do a lot of fun things. We were lucky enough to be there at the same time my brother and his family were there. We also got to go to lagoon with Tim's family and had so much fun there! Tim's mom watched Conner for us so we could go on all the rides we wanted too! Thanks Joyce! We had a lot of fun with everyone and miss you already!

Conner got to have his first kiddie cone from Artic Circle while we were there

He loved holding it himself

As you can tell he loved it. When his cone was gone my nephew was still eating his and Conner crawled across the table to get it.

My brothers kids, Madelyn and Caden

This is Tim's neice Stella at Lagoon. She was so funny, she put her doll in Conners stroller and lined up a bunch of drinks in the front and pushed her baby around!

She is so funny!

This is Conner after eating one of those teething cookies... What a mess!!

Anything to help the pain!!!


Cassidy and Nicole Anderson said...

It was fun seeing you again. I'm sorry we didn't get to hang out and chat longer! When I got back to California it was nice to take a week off but now I'm missing it too! See you again for the holidays.

Ashli Paynter said...

Oh my gosh Britt. He is getting so big! Isn't it so sad how fast they grow up and change. I hope you guys are doing well.