Sunday, June 29, 2008

The wedding car! Nice!

The Gardners, Maddy was a flower girl!

The Cowleys, Cody was a ring bearer and Katelyn was a flower girl.

Cody and Maddy dancing!! So cute!

We were actually very nice with the cake! Surprising!

Lindsey made my cake! and she did a great job! Thanks Linds!

The ceremony

Tim waiting for me!!

Me waitng to go outside!

Our Wedding Day!! It was a great day! Everyone kept telling me that it was going to rain, but i kept telling them that it wouldn't, and it didn't! the weather was perfect! These are just some pics I stole from Lindsey, but when I get the other ones back from the photographer I will put them up.

1 comment:

T!FF said...

Super cute photo's~!!! I love your colors! I am so glad you have a blog now, I need to update mine sooon!!!