9 month stats:
Weight: 23lbs 14 oz-90%
Height: 28 1/2 in-70%
Head: 18 in-75%

This is his favorite way to drink his bottle... He wont let us help anymore ;-(
Favorite food: Fruit and cheese
Favorite toy: Toilet paper?
Favorite game: Hide and seek
Favorite movie: Sesame Street Songs
Favorite naughty thing to do: Bang on tv
Loves: Outside, music, baths, dogs, books, cell phones, and food.
Tim's parents came to visit us a week ago. We had so much fun while they were here and they spoiled us so much! We miss them a lot already!

Tim's mom got Conner a walker/bike and he loves it. He runs into walls with it and cries when you try to help him because he thinks you are going to take it away. Silly boy.

Thanks Nonni!

Spoiled boy!

We went to St. Augustine while they were here.

Conner thought it was so fun to ride on dads shoulders

Isn't it sad that Conner already knows what to do with this? Dont worry it was empty.

Grandpa gave Conner an Oreo, he LOVED it!

Love you guys! Miss you!

Conner in one of his Halloween shirts carving pumpkins

Conner has a hard time keeping his eyes open with the flash.

We're so creative, I know...
Happy Halloween!!